3 And Counting

So far, for April, I’ve sold 3 kindle copies. That includes the one I bought. I supposedly entitled to $6 in royalties. I’m not sure if that will be a check or a direct deposit. I’m hoping it’s a check as I’d like to be able to put it with my other $11 royalty check from my first publisher. All total, I’ve probably made $200 off my writing, which is barely anything in the world today, but hey, I’m glad I’ve done that much.

The work on the second book is going well. It’s like a giant funnel that keeps narrowing and moving faster as I go along. I think I know what it’s going to be, and it mostly is, it’s just starting with nearly 200,000 words and whittling it down to 150,000 and trying to find the right path as you cut through the jungle. I see it there in glimpses, then I get lost in the weeds. Valuable Pete Jackson mentoring: who’s your main character - it’s his story… all the rest of the stuff can be lost… but Pete… it’s so pretty… I just can’t let it go… Well… I’m letting my precious go one chapter at a time.